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News & Media

Industry overview, trends and information from Resilience Insurance

The failure of state and territory governments to better regulate apartment development more than five years after a major report laid out necessary reforms means…
A game-changing new insurance could be the key to ensuring new apartment nightmares are a thing of the past….
Nearly 100 people who purchased defective apartments in a Western Sydney development will have their contracts rescinded and deposits returned under a landmark agreement….
Recent media coverage of the worst apartment developers and builders over the past 15 years has wreaked havoc on public confidence….
Insurers are coming back into high-rise apartment construction, and the first developer is likely to take out a defects liability insurance policy in coming weeks,…
Most buyers on the hunt for a brand new apartment have a wish list, with top priorities often including space to work from home, a…

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Get covered with Latent Defects Insurance from Resilience Insurance

Resilience Insurance is the market leader and primary resource for Latent Defects Insurance in Australia. Changing the game for consumers and Industry, this solution not only improves Building Confidence, but it is also a must have on any new development project.