Privacy Policy


At Resilience Insurance Pty Ltd (Resilience) we are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. This Privacy Policy describes our current policies and practices in relation to the collection, handling, use and disclosure of personal information. It also deals with how you can complain about a breach of the privacy laws and how you can access the personal information we hold and how to have that information corrected.

What information do we collect and how do we use it?

When we provide general insurance broking services on your behalf, we may be advising on your general insurance needs, arranging general insurance on your behalf, or providing you with quotes  through our insurance quotation platform. When we provide these services, we ask you for the information we need to advise you about your insurance needs, manage your risks, and quote and arrange insurance. We will collect this information either directly from you or indirectly from third parties.  This can include a broad range of information ranging from your name, address, contact details, age, and other information about your personal affairs including your assets, personal belongings, financial situation, health and wellbeing. We provide any information that the insurers or intermediaries who we ask to quote for your insurances and premium funding require to enable them to decide whether to insure you and on what terms, or to fund your premium and on what terms.  

When you make a claim under your policy, we assist you by collecting information about your claim.  Sometimes we also need to collect information about you from others. We provide this information to your insurer (or anyone your insurer has appointed to assist it to consider your claim, e.g. loss adjusters, medical brokers etc) to enable it to consider your claim. Again, this information may be passed on to  reinsurers.  

From time to time, we will use your contact details to send you direct marketing communications including offers, updates and newsletters that are relevant to the services we provide. We always give you the option of electing not to receive these communications in the future. You can unsubscribe by notifying us and we will no longer send this information to you.

What if you don’t provide some information to us?

We can only fully advise you and assist in arranging your insurance or with a claim, if we have all relevant information.  

The insurance laws also require you to provide your insurers with the information they need in order to be able to decide whether to insure you and on what terms. You have a duty to disclose information which is relevant to the insurer’s decision to insure you or to answer the insurer’s questions honestly and fully.

When do we disclose your information overseas?

If you ask us to seek insurance terms and we recommend an overseas insurer, we may be required to disclose the information to the insurer located outside Australia. For example, if we recommend a policy provided by Lloyd’s of London, your information may be given to the Lloyd’s broker and underwriters at Lloyd’s of London to make a decision about whether to insure you.  

We will tell you at time of advising on your insurance if they are overseas and in which country the insurer is located. If the insurer is not regulated by laws which protect your information in a way that is similar to the Privacy Act, we will require them to handle your information in compliance with Australian law before we give them your information. We will also seek your consent before disclosing your information to that insurer.  

Australian and overseas insurers acquire reinsurance from reinsurance companies that are located throughout the world, so in some cases your information may be disclosed to them for assessment of risks and in order to provide reinsurance to your insurer. We do not make this disclosure, this is made by the insurer (if necessary) for the placement for their reinsurance program. However, the insurer can only do so in accordance with Australian privacy law. Read your insurer’s Privacy Policy for more information.

How do we hold and protect your information?

We strive to maintain the reliability, accuracy, completeness and currency of the personal information we hold and to protect its privacy and security. We keep personal information only for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with any applicable legal or ethical reporting or document retention requirements.  

We hold the information we collect from you initially in a working file, which when completed is electronically imaged and stored, after which any paper is destroyed by a secure offsite document  shredding service.  

We ensure that your information is safe by protecting it from unauthorised access, modification and  disclosure. We maintain physical security over our paper and electronic data and premises, by using locks and security systems. We also maintain computer and network security; for example, we use firewalls (security measures for the Internet) and other security systems such as user identifiers and passwords to control access to computer systems where your information is stored.

Will we disclose the information we collect to anyone?

We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others.  

We may need to provide your information to contractors who supply services to us, e.g. to handle mailings on our behalf, external data storage providers or to other companies in the event of a corporate  sale, merger, re-organisation, dissolution or similar event. However, we will take reasonable measures to ensure that they protect your information as required under the Privacy Act.  

We may provide your information to others if we are required to do so by law, you consent to the disclosure or under some unusual other circumstances which the Privacy Act permits.

How can you check, update or change the information we are holding?

Upon receipt of your written request and enough information to allow us to identify the information, we will disclose to you the personal information we hold about you. We will also correct, amend or delete any personal information that we agree is inaccurate, irrelevant, out of date or incomplete.  

If you wish to access or correct your personal information, please write to our Compliance Officer, Corey Nugent at Resilience Insurance Pty Ltd, PO Box 523, Milsons Point NSW 1565.

We do not charge for receiving a request for access to personal information or for complying with a correction request. Where the information requested is not a straightforward issue and will involve a considerable amount of time, then a charge will need to be confirmed for responding to the request for the information.  

In some limited cases, we may need to refuse access to your information or refuse a request for correction. We will advise you as soon as possible after your request if this is the case and the reasons for our refusal

What happens if you want to complain?

If you have concerns about whether we have complied with the Privacy Act or this Privacy Policy when collecting or handling your personal information, please write to our Compliance Officer, Corey Nugent at Resilience Insurance Pty Ltd, PO Box 523, Milsons Point NSW 1565.  

Your complaint will be considered by us through our internal complaints resolution process, and we will try to respond with a decision within 45 days of you making the complaint.

Your consent

By asking us to assist with your insurance needs, you consent to the collection and use of the information you have provided to us for the purposes described above.

Anonymous data – We use technology to collect anonymous information about the use of this or any other Resilience Insurance Pty Ltd website, for example when you browse our website our service provider logs your server address, the date and time of your visit, the pages and links accessed and the type of browser used. It does not identify you personally and we only use this information for statistical  purposes and to improve the content and functionality of our website, to better understand our clients and markets and to improve our services.

Cookies – In order to collect anonymous data we may use “cookies”. Cookies are small pieces of  information which are sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Sometimes they identify users where the website requires information to be retained from one page to the next. This is purely to increase the functionality of the site. Cookies by themselves cannot be used to discover the  identity of the user. Cookies do not damage your computer and you can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie so that you can decide if you want to accept it. Once you leave the site, the cookie is destroyed and no personal or other information about you is stored.

Forms – This or other Resilience Insurance Pty Ltd websites, including our insurance quotation websites branded by our distribution partners, allow visitors to submit information. Some of the information submitted via the Forms may not be encrypted. If an SSL certificate is available to support https security on the website, it is your responsibility to verify security is enabled before relying on it. An option is available for claim forms to be downloaded in PDF format for faxing. Should you be concerned about confidentiality of the claim information, this is the recommended method.

Information collected via on-line forms may be sent to our offices via EMAIL that is not encrypted and may also be stored on a password protected database which is accessible by Resilience Insurance Pty  Ltd staff only. We do not recommend you send sensitive information, such as credit card details, via unencrypted email.

We also use your information to send you requested product information and promotional material and to enable us to manage your ongoing requirements, i.e renewals, and our relationship with you, e.g. invoicing, client surveys etc.  

We may use your information internally to help us improve our services and help resolve any problems.

Tell us what you think

We welcome your questions and comments about privacy. If you have any concerns or complaints, please contact:

Corey Nugent
Compliance Officer
Resilience Insurance Pty Ltd.
Level 2, 2 Glen Street Milsons Point NSW 2061
T: +61 450 862 945